SQL Formatter Options

Ins / Upd / Del

The INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE options in the SQL Formatter Tool allow you to configure how these key SQL operations are formatted. By setting specific preferences, you can ensure your scripts are more readable and consistent.

Sql Formatter Options Insert Update Delete


  1. Columns per Line

    • Specifies how many columns to display on each line in the INSERT statement.
    • Example: Setting 1 will display one column per line for better clarity.
  2. Before Comma / After Comma

    • Before Comma: Adds a line break before commas in the INSERT statement.
    • After Comma: Adds a line break after commas in the INSERT statement.
  3. Indent Columns and Values

    • Aligns and indents column names and corresponding values in the INSERT statement for better readability.
  4. Before „(“ / After „(„

    • Before „(„: Adds a line break before opening parentheses in the INSERT statement.
    • After „(„: Adds a line break after opening parentheses.
  5. Before „)“ / After „)“

    • Before „)“: Adds a line break before closing parentheses.
    • After „)“: Adds a line break after closing parentheses.


  1. After UPDATE

    • Adds a line break immediately after the UPDATE keyword.
  2. Before SET / After SET

    • Before SET: Adds a line break before the SET keyword.
    • After SET: Adds a line break after the SET keyword.
  3. Before Comma / After Comma

    • Before Comma: Adds a line break before commas in SET clauses.
    • After Comma: Adds a line break after commas in SET clauses.


  1. After DELETE
    • Adds a line break immediately after the DELETE keyword for better structure.